Гидрометеорология и экология
(Gidrometeorologiya i ekologiya)
Ученые записки Российского государственного гидрометеорологического университета
ISSN 2074-2762

Editor in Chief

Malinin Valery Nikolaevich

Academic degree: Grand PhD in Geography
Academic title: Professor
Affiliation: Russian State Hydrometeorological University
Position: Professor of the UNESCO-IOC Department of Applied Oceanography and Integrated Coastal Zone Management
E-mail: malinin@rshu.ru
ScopusID: 7006685566
AuthorID: 60946
SPIN: 8945–0830
Laureate of the St.Petersburg Government Award named after M.I. Budyko for outstanding achievements in science and technology. Full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Honorary Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation. Head of the leading research and pedagogical school of St. Petersburg “Interaction of the ocean with the atmosphere and climate change.”
Member of the editorial board of five scientific journals.
Author of over 200 publications, including 10 monographs, 8 textbooks, one of which having been translated into Vietnamese.
Academic adviser of 7 candidates of sciences.