The Journal aims to cover comprehensively the latest scientific achievements in the field of studying and forecasting the state of the environment.
The Journal is a natural continuation of the Journal “Proceedings of RSHU”, founded in 2005. In 2010, it was included in the HAC (Higher Attestation Commission) List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals, which are to publish the main results of theses for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences in the field of “Earth Sciences”. In January 2020, it was renamed into the Journal “Gidrometeorologiya i ekologiya”.
The Journal is registered with the Office of the Federal Service for Media Law Compliance and Cultural Heritage in the Northwestern Federal District.
Certificate ПИ No. ФС2-8484 dated 07.02.2007
RSCI Impact factor in 2021 is 0,876
Academic coverage: meteorology, hydrology, oceanology, geoecology, limnology, geoinformatics, geophysics, social sciences and humanities.
The editorial point of view may not coincide with the opinion of the authors of articles.
Subscription index in the “The Russian Post” Russian Press Catalogue is 78576.
The Journal included in the List of the Higher Attestation Commission in the direction of science of the Earth and the environment is indexed in the CrossRef and RSCI systems and is included in the “Russian Science Citation Index” (RSCI) database, placed on the National Electronic Library platform (http://elibrary.ru). Full-text versions of the published articles as pdf files are freely accessed on the Internet at the Journal’s website https://notes.rshu.ru/ immediately after its release.
When reprinting materials, reference to the journal is required.
© Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU), 2022
© Authors, 2022