Гидрометеорология и экология
(Gidrometeorologiya i ekologiya)
Ученые записки Российского государственного гидрометеорологического университета
ISSN 2074-2762

Bidenko Sergey Ivanovich

Academic degree: Doctor of Technology
Academic title: Professor
Place of work: PAO «Inteltech»
Position: General Designer Advisor
E-mail: sibidenko@mail.ru
ScopusID: 57210117558
AuthorID: 581819
SPIN: 1886-0981
Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, member of 3 dissertation councils, author of more than 200 publications, 6 monographs, academic supervisor of 20 postgraduate students and scientific consultant of 3 doctors. Awarded with the Order “For Naval Merit”, the Order of Honor. Honorary Surveyor.