Гидрометеорология и экология
(Gidrometeorologiya i ekologiya)
Ученые записки Российского государственного гидрометеорологического университета
ISSN 2074-2762

Pogoreltsev Alexander Ivanovich

Academic degree: Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.)
Academic title: Associate Professor
Place of work: Russian State Hydrometeorological University
Position: Professor of the Meteorological Forecasts Department
E-mail: apogor@rshu.ru
ScopusID: 6603360584
AuthorID: 67371
SPIN: 4331-1623

Head of the leading academic school of St. Petersburg "Dynamic and photochemical processes in the Earth’s atmosphere". Laureate of the St. Petersburg Government Prize for outstanding achievements in higher and secondary professional education in 2007.
Author of over 150 publications, of which 74 are in the international Scopus database.
Academic adviser of 4 candidates of sciences.