Mikheev V.L., PhD in Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Rector of RSHU — Chairman
Leontiev D.V. PhD in Juridical Sciences, Vice-Rector for Development and Research of RSHU — Vice-Chairman;
Agafonov G.I., Grand PhD in Engineering, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Board Chairman of “Pigment” holding company;
Fedorov M.P., Grand PhD in Engineering, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University;
Henry de Lumley, PhD, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences, France;
Kambolov M.A., PhD in Juridical Sciences, Vice-president of the National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute»;
Kuleshov Iu.V., Grand PhD in Engineering, Professor, Vice-president of Mozhaisky Military Space Academy for academic affairs and research;
Kholmatzhanov B. M., Grand PhD in Geography, Executive editor, Uzbekistan;
Kvint V.L., Grand PhD in Economics, Professor, leading researcher of the RAS Central Economic and Mathematical Institute;
Oryshchenko A.S., Grand PhD in Engineering, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of Department at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University;
Pozdniakov S. R., Grand PhD in Geography, Professor;
Salnikov V.G., Grand PhD in Geography, Professor, Dean of Geography and Natural Management Faculty of Al Farabi Kazakh National University;
Silnikov M.V., Grand PhD in Engineering, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of Military-Technical Education and Security Institute of Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University;
The Editorial Staff:
Malinin V.N., Grand PhD in Geography, Professor — Editor in Chief
Kondratev S.A., Grand PhD in Physics and Mathematics — Deputy Editor in Chief
Gaidukova E.V., PhD in Engineering — Executive editor
Alekseev G.V., Grand PhD in Geography, Professor;
Belonenko T.V., Grand PhD in Geography, Professor;
Bidenko S.I., Grand PhD in Engineering, Professor;
Blinovskaya Y.Y., Grand PhD in Engineering, Professor;
Chernyshkov P.P., Grand PhD in Geography, Professor;
Dmitriev V.V., Grand PhD in Geography, Professor;
Ermakov D.M., Grand PhD in Physics and Mathematics;
Ivanov V.V., Grand PhD in Physics and Mathematics;
Filatov N.N., Grand PhD in Geography, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
Gritsenko V.A., Grand PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Professor;
Kostianoy A.G., Grand PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Professor;
Kudriavtsev V.N., Grand PhD in Biology, Professor;
Kurashov E.A., Grand PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Professor;
Lobanov V.A., Grand PhD in Engineering, Professor;
Mokhov I.I., Grand PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
Mushket I.I., Grand PhD in Juridical Sciences, Professor;
Proshutinskii A.Iu., Grand PhD in Physics and Mathematics, USA;
Repina I. A., Grand PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Professor;
Rumyantsev V.A., Grand PhD in Geography, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
Ryabchenko V.A., Grand PhD in Physics and Mathematics;
Smyshlyaev S.P., Grand PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Professor;
Timofeev Iu.M., Grand PhD in Physics and Mathematics;
Shapron B., PhD, leading scientist of French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea IFREMER (France);
Shchukin G.G., Grand PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Professor;
Vilfand R.M., Grand PhD in Engineering, Professor;
Vuglinsky V.S., Grand PhD in Geography, Professor;
Zinoviev A.T., Grand PhD in Engineering Sciences;
Yakushev D. I., Grand PhD in Engineering, Professor; SPU MI;